Parents and Children in America are negatively affected by “Family” Courts

Every year, millions of parents and children in America are negatively affected by “family” courts and the Departments of Children and Families (DCF) all across this nation, government institutions that actively participate in custody interference for profit at a massive scale.

As a family physician who deals with children, and adults on a daily basis, I am very concerned because I believe that these federal incentives are being misused to cause great harm to the American family, actually leading to a mental health crisis of pandemic proportions.


Every 3 minute that passes a youth in America is attempting suicide, and 1 of them actually dies in the attempt every 2 hours. Nearly 2 out of 3 of these suicides are associated with these federal incentives, misused to intentionally interfere with the custody of children for profit. Custodial interference in the past year is associated with an increased risk for suicidal ideation of up to 4.5 times the norm, a 350% increase vs children without this history.

Making custodial interference, a.k.a. Parental Alienation, one of the most important preventable factors to decrease suicides in our youths. “Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for ages 10-24. (2013 CDC WISQARS). More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, COMBINED.”

A similar picture presents with our veterans, who are committing suicide at an incredibly alarming rate of almost 1 suicide every hour. Some studies estimate that anywhere between 1 to 2 of every 3 of these suicides are associated with custodial interference which are motivated by these financial Federal incentives. Many of these victims have not even seen active combat, so they can not be attributed to war.

Color of Law Violation Form

According to the USA Today, “suicide surpassed war as the military’s leading cause of death…suicide outranked war, cancer, heart disease, homicide, transportation accidents and other causes as the leading killer, accounting for about three in 10 military deaths” in 2013 and 2014.df84d-broken2bfathers2b-2b2015Suicide Research

This is a totally preventable mental health crisis, which is costing Americans at least $444 billion a year, and which is the 4th leading cause of death among 10 to 54 years old in America as of 2016.

Please, join us in rallies all over this nation on July 22, 2016, Parents’ Day Weekend. We need your help putting a stop to state-sponsored custodial interference incentives known as Title IV-D and Title IV-E of the social security, which are behind the destruction of our families today:

Thanks for your time and attention!

Mario Jimenez, M.D., B.S.E.E.
The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.

Florida Senate Candidate for District 40
www.VoteMario.Us, www.VoteFamily.Us, www.VoteFamilia.Usvotefamily-us-20151

e00e8-newjudge2bcom2b-2b2015Miami Rally for CAPRA (Constitutional Association of Parental Rights Advocates) Class Action Lawsuit on July 22, 2016, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Click here for directions to event location in front of US District Court Clerk Building at 400 N Miami Ave, Miami, FL 33128 


Source: Miami Rally

Note: Dads Of Florida does not endorse any of the sites listed, but provides this list only as a reference:

A Child’s Right – It’s a Child’s Right to have EQUAL and substantial time with BOTH parents without government interference

A Kid’s Right – Kids have a right to both parents free from gov’t interference

A Matter Of Justice – a legal reform group that also coordinates efforts with other groups

A Voice for Children – A voice for children helping parents who are falsely accused of child abuse

A-Team – for the wrongly accused of child abuse, domestic violence and for interstate/international child custody disputes.

Abolish Alimony – how To Challenge Alimony Laws And Stop Contempt Of Court Hearings.

Abuse Excuse – resource for those unjustly accused of child abuse, neglect, child pornography, “repressed” memories, sexual harassment, or domestic violence

ACFC (American Coalition for Fathers and Children) – promotes a better family law system, legislative system, and public awareness

Action 4 Justice – a legal reform group

ANCPR (Alliance for Non-Custodial Parents Rights) – an active site on NCP’s rights

American Family Advocacy Center – Protecting Families from Child Protection Services

American Family Rights Association – The national voice of Family Rights advocates

Angry Dad – Just another dad who is outraged by the family court system he’s stuck in (blog)

Anti-Deadbeat Dads – dispelling the myth that dads are deadbeatspurple-keyboard-campaign-4-family-justice-2016

Bill’s Arena – THE DIVORCE SITE FOR KIDS, RUN BY A KID! Info on shared parenting & custody issues

Broken Bread – A single father’s thoughts on parenting, work, life, love, and faith (blog)

Broward Advocate – a blog by lawyers about what’s happening & criticisms in the Broward Justice system

Children Need Both Parents – an active “social” network addressing issues of divorce, Child Protective Services, etc.

Children Need Both Parents, Inc. – a site promoting the rights of two parents (provides services in MI & IL)

Children’s Rights Council – well known for its actions to protect children’s contact with both parents and extended family

Childs Best Interest – reform for custody & support for children

Choice 4 Men – Men’s Reproductive Choice

Citizens For Judicial Accountability – a legal reform site for Florida

Citizen’s Justice Program – Demanding Justice Pro-Se . Learning Law and Avoiding Lawyers

Connecticut DCF Watch – excellent information for dealing with DCF in any state

D.A.D.s Judicial Reform Of America – a legal reform site

Dads Against the Divorce Industry – devoted to reinstating the traditional, nuclear American Family, and the essential role of fathers

Divorce and Child Custody – dedicated to fathers trying to retain equal access to their children

Divorce Support – resource site on family law including links and forums for advice, books, etc.

Domestic Violence Against Men In Colorado – supports resolution of violence against men and false accusation of domestic violence

Equal Justice Foundation – supports restoring rights, civil liberties, and equality in divorce, domestic violence, civil liberties, election fraud, etc.

Fatherhood Alliance – resource for fathers / stepfathers / grandfathers, etc. – an online magazine and good resource for articles

Fathers And Families – for equal rights and responsibilities for fathers and mothers

Fathers For Life – a comprehensive site with articles and information. Check out the Site Map

Fathers-4-Justice – supports family law reform

Fathers’ Rights Association – for fathers by fathers

Father’s Rights Foundation – free info to help Fathers win divorce, child custody, support & to defeat false allegations battles

Fathers’ World – a community of websites devoted to fathers of all types

Feminist Misinformation and Demonizing Men – includes informaton on false allegations of abuse and domestic violence

Fight FOC – fighting for changes in custody and child support (info on Fed. programs that caused the present situation)

Fully Informed Jury Association – information on how juries are supposed to operate, including judging validity of the law


Give Me Liberty – a legal reform and defense site

Glenn Sacks – Columnist, Commentator, Radio Talk Show Host – a resource for articles and information, catagorized archives

ICRC (Indiana Civil Rights Council) – VERY active organization, incl class action suits around nation

J.A.I.L. 4 Judges – advocates new laws to hold judges accountable for crimes, etc.

JAABLOG (Justice Advocacy Assoc of Broward County) – started by a Broward attorney wanting judicial reform. People post their opinions about what goes on

Judicial Accountability Center – documenting the dysfunction & corruption of closed-door processes of judicial selection and discipline on federal, state and local levels

Judicial Watch – “watchdog” over our government, legal, and judicial systems – articles, interviews, videos and a “voice” about fatherhood, children, and the family rights movement (24/7)

Land Rights – know your land rights

Legal Reform Now ! – a catalog of our legal system’s deficiencies together with innovative ideas toward correcting them

Men Web – information and resources for battered men and violence against men

Men’s Rights News & Info – lots of info

Million Dad’s March – Advocating change for men’s rights

Mr. Mom – for single dads regardless of custody

National Center For Men – advocates for equal rights for men, filed “Roe v. Wade for Men” lawsuit

National Coalition For Men – dedicated to the eradication of sex-based stereotypes and obtaining equal rights for men

National Family Violence Legislative Resource Center (NFVLRC) – social scientists and researchers who provide guidance to lawmakers for fair laws on DV

National Fatherhood Initiative – encourages fathers to be active in children’s lives, had studies on importance of fathers, does not address divorce reform

NFRC (National Fathers Resource Center) aka Fathers For Equal Rights – 30 year old organization with lots of information

Outlaws Legal Service – formed to help and encourage all people to fight the corrupt legal system on their own and stand up and fight for their Rights

Parental Alienation Awareness (PAS) – the name says it all

Parents and Children for Equality – helping to finance a study that shows bias against men

Parents For Children – Addressing Problems Of Abuse And Corruption In Family Court

Parents Organized With Each other for Rights – defending against false allegations of child abuse

Parents Without Rights – another Broward County organization

Paternity Fraud – obtaining DNA tests and dedicated to fighting paternity fraud in the U.S.

Patriot Caucus – Towards a new political voice

Peoples Awareness Coalition – legal reform group making Americans aware of the loss of liberty and fraud in our legal system

Programmers for Family Law Reform – a group of dedicated computer specialists with the goal of distilling the data to help reform family law

R.A.D.A.R. – very active Men’s Advocacy group

Rate The Courts – Rate the courts & your judge (all states)

Reform Family Law Now – a lawyer’s blog about changing family law by class-action lawsuits – Tips, advice, discussions on a myriad of topics about being a father

Shared Parenting Works – the name says it all!

Stop Child Support Now – advocating changes in unfair child support laws and judgements

Shattered Men: The hidden half of domestic violence – for men who are victims of domestic violence or false claims of DV

The Facts – Committed to family preservation and the Constitutional Right to be a Parent

United Civil Rights Councils of America (UCRC) – One of the most active groups in the country. Many subgroups by locale and topic to volunteer and participate

Victimization by Justice – exposing the fact that the legal system in the USA is broken, and calling for an overhaul of the system

Victims-of-Law – A very informative site for the Legal and Judicial Reform Communities with current news & views

Comments or corrections? contact the webmaster

A History Of Family Destruction – from the US House Ways & Means Committee

Consumer Watch – A list of product recalls including children’s items that may be hazardous to their safety and health (opens in new window) – A site dedicated to information about drugs and their dangers to children & teens, including sources, abuses, etc. (opens in new window)

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Fighting to preserve Parent–Child relationships to improve the lives of children and strengthen society by protecting t he child’s right to the love and care of both parents after separation/divorce. Dedicated to the proposition that children are best served by having unfettered EQUAL access to BOTH parents and to the ...proposition that fathers are indispensable. Improve the lives of children and strengthen society by protecting the child’s right to the love and care of both parents after separation or divorce. We seek better lives for children through family court reform!! It's about the human rights of children with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to the young, including their right to association with both biological parents.

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