Parents and Children in America are negatively affected by “Family” Courts

Every year, millions of parents and children in America are negatively affected by “family” courts and the Departments of Children and Families (DCF) all across this nation, government institutions that actively participate in custody interference for profit at a massive scale.

As a family physician who deals with children, and adults on a daily basis, I am very concerned because I believe that these federal incentives are being misused to cause great harm to the American family, actually leading to a mental health crisis of pandemic proportions.


Every 3 minute that passes a youth in America is attempting suicide, and 1 of them actually dies in the attempt every 2 hours. Nearly 2 out of 3 of these suicides are associated with these federal incentives, misused to intentionally interfere with the custody of children for profit. Custodial interference in the past year is associated with an increased risk for suicidal ideation of up to 4.5 times the norm, a 350% increase vs children without this history.

Making custodial interference, a.k.a. Parental Alienation, one of the most important preventable factors to decrease suicides in our youths. “Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for ages 10-24. (2013 CDC WISQARS). More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, COMBINED.”

A similar picture presents with our veterans, who are committing suicide at an incredibly alarming rate of almost 1 suicide every hour. Some studies estimate that anywhere between 1 to 2 of every 3 of these suicides are associated with custodial interference which are motivated by these financial Federal incentives. Many of these victims have not even seen active combat, so they can not be attributed to war.

Color of Law Violation Form

According to the USA Today, “suicide surpassed war as the military’s leading cause of death…suicide outranked war, cancer, heart disease, homicide, transportation accidents and other causes as the leading killer, accounting for about three in 10 military deaths” in 2013 and 2014.df84d-broken2bfathers2b-2b2015Suicide Research

This is a totally preventable mental health crisis, which is costing Americans at least $444 billion a year, and which is the 4th leading cause of death among 10 to 54 years old in America as of 2016.

Please, join us in rallies all over this nation on July 22, 2016, Parents’ Day Weekend. We need your help putting a stop to state-sponsored custodial interference incentives known as Title IV-D and Title IV-E of the social security, which are behind the destruction of our families today:

Thanks for your time and attention!

Mario Jimenez, M.D., B.S.E.E.
The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.

Florida Senate Candidate for District 40
www.VoteMario.Us, www.VoteFamily.Us, www.VoteFamilia.Usvotefamily-us-20151

e00e8-newjudge2bcom2b-2b2015Miami Rally for CAPRA (Constitutional Association of Parental Rights Advocates) Class Action Lawsuit on July 22, 2016, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Click here for directions to event location in front of US District Court Clerk Building at 400 N Miami Ave, Miami, FL 33128 

Continue reading Parents and Children in America are negatively affected by “Family” Courts

Lawyers Lie To Themselves and Their Clients

United States of America Of the Lawyers, By The Lawyers, & For The Lawyers…
Just The Facts –

– Lawyers Write the Laws –
Lawyers use their legalese to construct laws that generally only a lawyer can understand or interpret
– Lawyers Make the Laws –
Lawyers comprise the majority of local, state and federal legislative bodies.
– 1 Lawyer for EVERY 200 Adults in America!! –
1,143,358 lawyers. Law Schools are graduating 40,000 new lawyers each year as they have over the last 20 years. We are being overrun by lawyers, who not being subject to the normal laws of supply and demand, simply create work for themselves at an increasing cost to each of us.
– Your Civic Duty –
Work and your life are secondary to – Your Civic Duty – at about $8.00 PER DAY while the Lawyers & Judges are making HUNDREDS of DOLLARS PER HOUR! But you understand, after all the lawyers and judges do tell us that it is ‘the best system in the world…’
– All About Billable Hours –
Confusion and conflict produce billable hours. Simple
common sense decisions and solutions are almost extinct because they are in conflict with the billable hours required to support the ever growing legal profession.
– Taxation Without Representation –
Lawyers represent 3/10th of 1 percent of the population yet have an 80% representation in our government. Translation: The taxation of 99.997% of the American people is created, implemented, controlled, and enforced by .003% of the people: indeed a privileged class.
– Lawyers & Government –
Any wonder why the government is so wasteful and
inefficient? The majority of lawyers in government have never had any experience in the operation or budgeting of a real business in the real world. And, in the world they did work in, they could earn more in a few hours than most people can earn in a week or a month and sometimes even a year!
– 2 More Lawyers in the White House –
Remember the Clintons? Remember the Scandals?
Remember the National & Worldwide Disgrace America was Subjected to? Remember How Bin Laden Killed
Americans at will BUT there was not enough evidence to bring him to Court!!
– 9 Lawyers Decide How All American’s Live! –
Nine Lawyers on the Supreme Court decide the laws, the
morals, and the culture of 300 million FREE Americans?
Arguably The Founding Fathers Biggest Mistake!
– The U.S. Constitution –
The Founding Fathers never had a clue how their
masterpiece, The Constitution, would be a Cash Cow for the lawyers…

Just The Factsdownload signJust The Facts

· VoteFamily.Us · GLOOGBOOK.COM ·

Liar Joel Greenberg Broward County FL Liar - 2016Why Lawyers Lie (To Themselves and Their Clients)

Ethics and practicing law have a fascinating relationship. I posted last week about how it’s silly to suggest that ethics requires lawyers (or anyone) to always tell the truth. In the comments, I wrote the following in a reply to a comment by Scott Greenfield:

I think the lawyer’s biggest moral (as opposed to “ethical” re the rules) conundrum is the question of whether the lawyer is lying to himself that what’s good for the lawyer is good for the client. Self-deception is the real problem, because it makes our lies to others feel like the truth.

Scott suggested that was an idea for a post. I agreed, so here goes.

Lawyering, despite the efforts of those who write the ethics rules, has a conflict of interest built in: what’s good for the client is often the exact opposite of what’s good for the lawyer. And lawyers, being mere mortals, are morally fallible, and they know it.

They have to get past that knowledge if they are going to at least sometimes choose to do what’s best for themselves instead of what’s best for the client. To cope with making that choice, they lie to themselves in order to believe that what’s good for themselves is in fact what’s best for the client.

Continue reading Lawyers Lie To Themselves and Their Clients

Aggressive Divorce Lawyers Hurt Parents and Children.

YouTube Channel Art - 2015Couples in Florida who are considering divorce may think that hiring the most aggressive lawyer will be a beneficial move. In reality, these attorneys may be entirely counterproductive to a couple’s uncontested divorce, which would likely benefit instead from a resolution-based process. Despite commonly-held notions about aggressive lawyers, such attorneys can actually be detrimental to an everyday divorce case.852e6-florida2bcommission

Experts in Florida say it is important to distinguish between those attorneys who are passionate about their profession and those who are looking to be adversarial in order to drive up court costs. Unless you are dealing with a high-conflict divorce situation, an aggressive attorney might not be for you.

Most professionals agree that good attorneys try to resolve cases before they ever get to the courtroom. Only a select few cases can benefit from aggressive attorney tactics, as these practices can destroy any shred of a relationship remaining between the parties. Further, aggressive attorneys tend to provide costlier services because of the deluge of paperwork required to strong-arm the other party.

Many attorneys prefer a more collaborative approach to divorce because it prevents the children from becoming the victims of such contentious litigation. A passionate and enthusiastic attorney will know how to advocate for your rights without creating a maelstrom of negativity.the-mafia1

It is important to remember that aggressive lawyers are less likely to fare well because judges find their tactics to be fatiguing. Most judges maintain a mental list of attorneys they find intolerable. Those lawyers’ attitudes and behavior can negatively affect a judge’s ruling. Even scheduling complaints may be ignored by judges who find a particular attorney too difficult.

Most divorces do not require the services of a “bulldog” attorney who will create an adversarial environment. Instead, consider using alternative divorce methods that encourage collaboration and foster a spirit of cooperation among the participants. Assertive attorneys are assets; aggressive attorneys may be liabilities.Lawless America - 2015Aggressive Lawyering Is Counter-Productive

“Unfortunately, lawyers throughout the country are not exactly revered for their congenial nature or their civility toward each other. To make matters worse, TV, movies, and dramatic fiction play to an audience that expects lawyers to shout at the witness during cross-examination – ‘YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!’ The unfortunate ‘truth’ is that even in the real world, many lawyers market themselves as being ‘aggressive’ or are endorsed by other lawyers as such.

Continue reading Aggressive Divorce Lawyers Hurt Parents and Children.